A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 4
12, 2018
All Category – I Authorised
Dealer Banks
Bank's Government of India supported Line of Credit of USD 18 million to
the Government of the Republic of Zambia
Export-Import Bank of India
(Exim Bank) has entered into an agreement dated January 12, 2018 with the
Government of the Republic of Zambia for making available to the latter, a
Government of India supported Line of Credit (LoC) of USD 18 million (USD
Eighteen million only) for the purpose of completion of balance work under
the project for establishment of pre-fabricated health posts in the
Republic of Zambia. Under the arrangement, financing of export of eligible
goods and services from India, as defined under the agreement, would be
allowed subject to their being eligible for export under the Foreign Trade
Policy of the Government of India and whose purchase may be agreed to be
financed by the Exim Bank under this agreement. Out of the total credit by
Exim Bank under this agreement, goods and services of the value of at least
75 per cent of the contract price shall be supplied by the seller from
India and the remaining 25 per cent of goods and services may be procured
by the seller for the purpose of the eligible contract from outside India.
2. The Agreement under the LoC
is effective from June 22, 2018. Under the LoC, the terminal utilization
period is 60 months after the scheduled completion date of the project.
3. Shipments under the LoC shall
be declared in Export Declaration Form as per instructions issued by the
Reserve Bank from time to time.
4. No agency commission is
payable for export under the above LoC. However, if required, the exporter
may use his own resources or utilize balances in his Exchange Earners’
Foreign Currency Account for payment of commission in free foreign
exchange. Authorised Dealer Category- I (AD Category- I) banks may allow
such remittance after realization of full eligible value of export subject
to compliance with the extant instructions for payment of agency
5. AD Category – I banks may
bring the contents of this circular to the notice of their exporter
constituents and advise them to obtain full details of the LoC from the
Exim Bank’s office at Centre One, Floor 21, World Trade Centre Complex,
Cuffe Parade, Mumbai 400 005 or from their website www.eximbankindia.in
6. The directions contained in
this circular have been issued under section 10(4) and 11(1) of the Foreign
Exchange Management Act (FEMA), 1999 (42 of 1999) and are without prejudice
to permissions/ approvals, if any, required under any other law.
K Moolchandani)
Chief General Manager