Argentina Customs Tariff and HSN Code 0201 : MEAT BOVINE ANIMALS, FRESH CHILLED

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Section-01 Chapter (01 to 05) – Section I - Live Animals; Animal Products
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Chapter Codes Chapter Description
Chapter-02 Meat and Edible Meat Offal
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Hs Codes Products
Hs Codes Products Description
02013000123T Azotillo. Roasted, grilled cap, Azotillo, Brazuelo, Cogote, brisket. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000162D Belonging only to the back room. Cortes at stake. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000962X Belonging only to the back room. Cortes at stake. Others. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000161B Belonging only to the forequarter. Cortes at stake. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000961V Belonging only to the forequarter. Cortes at stake. Others. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000115U Bife Ancho. Needle Huachalomo, needle cover Sobrecostilla, Bife width, top width steak, Chingolo, Marucha, Matambre. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02012090600F Bifes except the genus Bubalus. Other cuts (pieces) bone. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000155G Bife vacuum. Clod, Bife palette, Center clod, empty, Bife vacuum. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000913H Bife width. Needle, Sobrecostilla, Bife Ancho. Others. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000922J Brazuelo. Roasted, Brazuelo, Cogote, Chest. Others. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000124V Brazuelo. Roasted, grilled cap, Azotillo, Brazuelo, Cogote, brisket. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02012090720T Chest. Ossobuco, Chest, Spine, except the genus Bubalus. Other cuts (pieces) bone. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000924N Chest. Roasted, Brazuelo, Cogote, Chest. Others. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000127B Chest. Roasted, grilled cap, Azotillo, Brazuelo, Cogote, brisket. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000117Y Chingolo. Needle Huachalomo, needle cover Sobrecostilla, Bife width, top width steak, Chingolo, Marucha, Matambre. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000995N Chopping cuts (Trimming). Others. Others. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000153C Clod center. Clod, Bife palette, Center clod, empty, Bife vacuum. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000151Y Clod. Clod, Bife palette, Center clod, empty, Bife vacuum. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000951R Clod. Clod, empty. Others. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000993J Cogote, Needle, clod roast and part (Chuck and Blade). Others. Others. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000134Y Corazon de cuadril. Striploin, Tail of Rump, Rump, Rump Heart, for picanha, Lomo, Peceto. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000144B Cover buttock. Lomo Ball, Square, topside, rump cover, Buttock Outside, Tortuguita, Garron. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000122Q Cover roast. Roasted, grilled cap, Azotillo, Brazuelo, Cogote, brisket. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000154E Empty. Clod, Bife palette, Center clod, empty, Bife vacuum. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000952U Empty. Clod, empty. Others. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000191L Forehand, even incomplete. Others. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000991E Forehand, even incomplete. Others. Others. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000135A For picanha. Striploin, Tail of Rump, Rump, Rump Heart, for picanha, Lomo, Peceto. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02012090400V Fourth pistol, except the genus Bubalus. Other cuts (pieces) bone. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000147H Garron. Lomo Ball, Square, topside, rump cover, Buttock Outside, Tortuguita, Garron. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000945X Garron. Lomo ball, square, topside, Buttock Outside, Garron. Others. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000200K Gender Bubalus, in containers exceeding 5 kg net content. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000300Q Gender Bubalus in immediate packings of exceeding 5 kg. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000192N Hindquarter, even incomplete. Others. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000992G Hindquarter, even incomplete. Others. Others. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000112M Huachalomo. Needle Huachalomo, needle cover Sobrecostilla, Bife width, top width steak, Chingolo, Marucha, Matambre. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02012090100D Incomplete averages channels except the genus Bubalus. Other cuts (pieces) bone. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02012090200J Incomplete front rooms except the genus Bubalus. Other cuts (pieces) bone. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000136C Loin. Striploin, Tail of Rump, Rump, Rump Heart, for picanha, Lomo, Peceto. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000141V Lomo ball. Lomo Ball, Square, topside, rump cover, Buttock Outside, Tortuguita, Garron. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000941N Lomo ball. Lomo ball, square, topside, Buttock Outside, Garron. Others. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000118A Marucha. Needle Huachalomo, needle cover Sobrecostilla, Bife width, top width steak, Chingolo, Marucha, Matambre. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000119C Matambre. Needle Huachalomo, needle cover Sobrecostilla, Bife width, top width steak, Chingolo, Marucha, Matambre. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000994L Mince. Others. Others. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000193Q Mince. Others. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02012090320W Mocha leg. striploin, rump and loin (Rump & Loin), Leg mocha, Rueda, except the genus Bubalus. Other cuts (pieces) bone. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000923L Nape. Roasted, Brazuelo, Cogote, Chest. Others. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000125X Nape. Roasted, grilled cap, Azotillo, Brazuelo, Cogote, brisket. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000113P Needle cover. Needle Huachalomo, needle cover Sobrecostilla, Bife width, top width steak, Chingolo, Marucha, Matambre. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000111K Needle. Needle Huachalomo, needle cover Sobrecostilla, Bife width, top width steak, Chingolo, Marucha, Matambre. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000911D Needle. Needle, Sobrecostilla, Bife Ancho. Others. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02012090710P Ossobuco. Ossobuco, Chest, Spine, except the genus Bubalus. Other cuts (pieces) bone. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000169U Others. Cortes at stake. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000969M Others. Cortes at stake. Others. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02012010900U Others. Other cuts (pieces) bone. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02012020900D Others. Other cuts (pieces) bone. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02012090990B Others. Others. Other cuts (pieces) bone. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000145D Outside buttock. Lomo Ball, Square, topside, rump cover, Buttock Outside, Tortuguita, Garron. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000944V Outside buttock. Lomo ball, square, topside, Buttock Outside, Garron. Others. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000137E Peceto. Striploin, Tail of Rump, Rump, Rump Heart, for picanha, Lomo, Peceto. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000152A Rib eye palette. Clod, Bife palette, Center clod, empty, Bife vacuum. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02012090500A Roasted, even with empty except the genus Bubalus. Other cuts (pieces) bone. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000921G Roast. Roasted, Brazuelo, Cogote, Chest. Others. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000121N Roast. Roasted, grilled cap, Azotillo, Brazuelo, Cogote, brisket. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000932M Rump. Striploin, Rump. Others. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000133W Rump. Striploin, Tail of Rump, Rump, Rump Heart, for picanha, Lomo, Peceto. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000126Z Skirt. Roasted, grilled cap, Azotillo, Brazuelo, Cogote, brisket. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000114R Sobrecostilla. Needle Huachalomo, needle cover Sobrecostilla, Bife width, top width steak, Chingolo, Marucha, Matambre. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000912F Sobrecostilla. Needle, Sobrecostilla, Bife Ancho. Others. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02012090730W Spine. Ossobuco, Chest, Spine, except the genus Bubalus. Other cuts (pieces) bone. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000142X Square. Lomo Ball, Square, topside, rump cover, Buttock Outside, Tortuguita, Garron. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000942Q Square. Lomo ball, square, topside, Buttock Outside, Garron. Others. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02012090310T striploin, rump and loin (Rump & Loin). striploin, rump and loin (Rump & Loin), Leg mocha, Rueda, except the genus Bubalus. Other cuts (pieces) bone. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000931K striploin. Striploin, Rump. Others. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000131R Striploin. Striploin, Tail of Rump, Rump, Rump Heart, for picanha, Lomo, Peceto. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000132U Tail of Rump. Striploin, Tail of Rump, Rump, Rump Heart, for picanha, Lomo, Peceto. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02011000110E The genus Bubalus. Channels. Carcasses and half-carcasses. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02011000210K The genus Bubalus. Halfcarcases. Carcasses and half-carcasses. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02012010100A The genus Bubalus. Other cuts (pieces) bone. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02012020100K The genus Bubalus. Other cuts (pieces) bone. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02012090910A The genus Bubalus. Others. Other cuts (pieces) bone. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02011000190F The others. Channels. Carcasses and half-carcasses. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02011000290L The others. Halfcarcases. Carcasses and half-carcasses. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000143Z Topside. Lomo Ball, Square, topside, rump cover, Buttock Outside, Tortuguita, Garron. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000943T Topside. Lomo ball, square, topside, Buttock Outside, Garron. Others. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000146F Tortuguita. Lomo Ball, Square, topside, rump cover, Buttock Outside, Tortuguita, Garron. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02012090330Z Wheel. striploin, rump and loin (Rump & Loin), Leg mocha, Rueda, except the genus Bubalus. Other cuts (pieces) bone. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled
02013000116W Wide cap steak. Needle Huachalomo, needle cover Sobrecostilla, Bife width, top width steak, Chingolo, Marucha, Matambre. In packs of exceeding 5 kg net content except the genus Bubalus. Deboned. Beef cattle, fresh or chilled

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